Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Washington/Adams & Federalists v. D-Rs (Very Important)

Washington, Hamilton, and shaping the federal government
-Executive Department (creation of a cabinet), Federal Court system (created by Judiciary Act of 1789), Hamilton Economic Plan (Assumption of the debt, protective tariffs, national bank, excise tax, Whiskey Rebellion (showed government’s ability to put down as uprising unlike Shays’ Rebellion), Proclamation of Neutrality (dealing with French Revolution and British/French War), Jay Treaty, Pinckney Treaty, Washington warns against entangling alliance and political parties in Farewell Address
John Adams 
Adams (XYZ Affair, Quasi-War with France, Alien and Sedition Acts (KY & VA Resolutions)
Emergence of Political Parties (started over the debate the Constitution and the role of the federal govt.)
Federalists: Hamilton, loose interpretation of the Constitution, Pro-British, Large peacetime army & navy, Aid businesses, national bank, tariffs, Northern businessmen and large landowners, Northeast
Democratic-Republicans: Jefferson & Madison, strict interpretation, weak central govt., Pro-French, Small peacetime army and navy, favored agricultural interests, no national bank, opposed tariffs (hurt the South and farmers), skilled workers, small farmers, plantation owners, later immigrants, strong in the South/West
Republican motherhood and education for women
Gained status from their Revolutionary War efforts, Abigail Adams (remember the ladies), women instilled with educating republican ideals into their children, women limited in education but southern women educated through private tutors and northern women education in public schools

Washington Takes the Oath: NYC 1789

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