Friday, September 24, 2010

Jefferson, the War of 1812, Era of Good Feelings (Very Important)

Significance of Jefferson’s President (Did he live up to Democratic-Republican ideals? Was the Election of 1800 Revolutionary?)
-Kept much of Hamilton’s Economic System but repealed the excise taxes, continued Neutrality, Reduced the size of the military, eliminated federal jobs, lowed govt. spending
-Louisiana Purchase (Lewis & Clark), was it constitutional?, Judicial Impeachments of Federalist judges, Barbury Pirates, Embargo Act (dealing with British/French War), Marbury v. Madison (judicial review), Marshall Court (federal over state power/nationalistic)
Expansion into the trans-Appalachian West
-Southerners needed new land for cotton, improved transportation, cheap and available land, Louisiana Purchase led to sectionalism (Missouri Compromise), acquisition of Native American lands from War of 1812, Purchase of Florida (1819) stemming from Jackson’ raids into this Spanish territory
Native-American resistance
-Battle of Horseshoe Bend (Jackson defeats Creeks which opens up lands for new settlers), Pinckney Treaty with Spain opens up Mississippi Valley, General Anthony Wayne defeats tribes of the Ohio Valley (Treaty of Greenville) which open up Ohio Valley, William Henry Harrison defeats Prophet and Tecumseh at Battle of Thames and Tippecanoe (Indians forced to move west)
Growth of slavery and free Black Communities
-Slavery supported by Jefferson, cotton needed new lands to expand, rise of free blacks in the North and South (voluntary manumission by slaveowners)
The War of 1812 and its consequences
-Causes: War Hawks of the South and West (Calhoun and Clay) supported the war while New Englanders disliked it (Hartford Convention), impressment of US sailors, British incitement of Indians on the Western frontier, British troops not leaving posts on western frontier, Madison siding with French after Macon’s Bill
-Events: Invasion of Canada, Burning of Washington, Star Spangled Banner, Battle of New Orleans, Treaty of Ghent (ended the war)
-Significance: Federalist Party dies (Hartford Convention-set precedence for nullification and secession), Accepted Canada, Now a great power (survived two war with the greatest power), Native Americans surrendered large areas of land in the Ohio Valley and Mississippi Valley, Americans became more industrial self-sufficient, War heroes: Harrison and Jackson, future presidents, ushered in an Era of Good Feelings
Era of Good Feelings (rise of nationalism)
-Cultural Nationalism: nationalistic authors (James Fenimore Cooper), Painters (Stuart, Trumball, Peale)
-Economic Nationalism: Tariff of 1816, Clay’s American System of the 1820s (sought rise in federal govts. power), better transportation systems (canals, turnpikes, steamboats, railroads)
-Political Nationalism; The Marshall Court, Monroe Doctrine, One-Party System, Purchase of Florida
Not an Era of Good Feelings (rise of sectionalism)
-Panic of 1819, Missouri Compromise, Two-party system (Whigs v. Democrats) began to emerge following Corrupt Bargain of 1824, Indian Resistance, Slavery Revolt (Stono Rebellion,Denmark Vessey)

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